Habits and Skills
Part of Collections
Kids learn how to approach problems scientifically through the process of baking bread.

Ready to help your young baker discover the joys of science? In this project, kids design and carry out a scientific investigation through the process of baking simple loaves of bread.
Using new, developing skills in the real-world motivates kids to dig deeper and makes learning and school feel relevant. In this project, kids practice important skills:
Designing Processes & Procedures
- Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
- Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
- Asking Questions and Defining Problems
Comparing and Contrasting
- Analyzing and Interpreting Data
UNBOXED Projects consist of two downloadables:
- The project, a pdf slide presentation, which walks a kid through the project with general instruction and steps to complete. An older child should be able to use this document to understand what to do and when to do it. Younger kids may need additional assistance from an adult.
- Learning Support Tools (LST) are designed to provide kids additional support for carrying out the challenges in the project. These tools offer more detailed instructions to support kids’ thinking about the different tasks needed to complete each step. Not every step of the project needs a Learning Support Tool, and not every kid will need the support of every tool offered here. For those that do, these additional explanations, activities, guides, and examples can help accelerate learning.
Projects are designed to be completed over the course of a month, and are the perfect centerpiece for a celebration of learning. Download the project and LST and dive in!