“In these peculiar times we’re living in, we dads have a unique opportunity to elevate the interaction and effect we have on our kids. They’re in constant need of support for their emotional health. If we don’t step up and provide that, I promise you something else will – social media, another person with influence, or the TV shows they watch. I believe the brave thing to do is to step up to our calling and invest in our kids.
We must instill in our kids the hope and wisdom that comes first and foremost from us as an example. Their hearts, souls, and minds are such fertile ground to be seeded with discussion and meditation on truth. If we would only teach our children the basic disciplines of life such as prayer, humility, respect, self-control, and commitment we might see great growth in this next generation.
My dad used to say that when you give love, you’ll see love come back to you. That was a promise he held onto when discipling and disciplining me and my sisters. I believe and hold on to the hope that at the end of the day, no matter how chaotic life might get, that principle will stand from generation to generation. Love well, not the way you think love “should be”, but the way love is needed, and you will see it abound in your kids as they rise above the challenges this world will present to them.”
– Miguel in Nashville, Tennessee