Prepared Parents Co-founder and Executive Director Mira Browne presented at A New Way Forward, a virtual summit that gathered educators, parents, and students to explore new and powerful ways to think about education and continue learning even during the challenging time that COVID-19 has presented.
In her session (video recording above, from April 28, 2020), Browne discussed what parents want for their children in a post-Coronavirus world. She gave this timely speech at a time when school closures have thrust parents into the role of teachers, and made navigating the complexity of school and home that much harder.
Browne explained how after weeks together sheltered-in-place, many parents now have a much deeper understanding of their kids—what they struggle with, how they learn, and even who they are and what they care about. Before COVID-19, research consistently showed that parents not only wanted their kids to succeed in college, they also wanted their kids to grow up to be independent, curious and resilient adults. Browne discussed how two previously separate sectors—schooling and parenting—have merged to create a new normal for both families and educators. She addressed what parents want in a post-coronavirus world, and how should schools engage them.